Report text is a text that gives information about an event or
situation, after the holding of investigation and deliberation or in other
words contains facts.
B. Purpose Report Text
Purpose text report is to provide information and analysis of
the results of systematic observations.
Report the information described in the text are usually common
C. Generic structure Report Text
Text in the Report, there is a text structure made up of two
parts, namely:
1. General Clasification
In the general clasification (general classification) provides
an introduction to the phenomena / objects that will be discussed to include a
general statement that describes the subject of the report, information, and
its classification.
2. Description
In the Description (description) consists of a description of
the phenomena / objects are discussed from part to part, or behavioral habits
for living things, or usefulness of objects in detail.
D. Language features
- Text
in a Report, there are several characteristics of language (language
features) as follows:
- Use
of general nouns, such as 'Reptiles in Comodo Insland', etc..
- Using
Relating verbs to describe the characteristics, such as reptiles are scaly
animals (this applies to all the features of reptiles), and so on.
- Use
action verbs in explains the behavior, such as lizards can not fly, and so
- Use
the present tense to express a common, such as Komodo dragons usually
weight more than 160 kg, and so on.
- Use
term technical / scientific, such as water contains oxygen and hydrogen,
and so on.
E. Perbedaan antara Descriptive Text dan
Report Text
Several types of English text (Types of Text) is quite difficult
to differentiate. Text Report and Text Descriptive Report that have
similarities in terms of communicative goals (Social Function) and sentence
structures (Generic Structure). But if we analyze it carefully, the difference
between all of them will appear.
The second purpose of the text is to provide direct description
of the object. Between Descriptive Text and Report Text over trying to show
than tell the reader about the facts of the condition of the object. Readers
will naturally catch the impressive point of the object through the appointment
of the writing style. That makes the difference between Descriptive Text and
Text Report writing is on the scope object. If we talk about bikes suppose that
in writing in the form of Report Text, the text is talking about bikes in
general; its parts, powers, and functions in general should bike. Meanwhile, if
the bike was described with Descriptive Text, then the bike refers to a
particular type of speda eg mountain bikes, racing bikes and the other, which
of course, with the characteristics of its certification; colors, wheel types,
colors, etc..
In short, the Report Text describing something that usually
refers to the phenomena of nature, animals, and scientific objects. Report Text
written after getting careful observation. Scientific and technical things that
make a clear difference of Descriptive Text.
F. Contoh Report Text
To facilitate your understanding of the author's description of
the Report Text above, the authors also include examples of Report Text below,
and its translations:
General Clasification
The white pelican is one of the most successful fish-eating
(Pelican putih adalah salah satu burung pemakan ikan paling berhasil.)
(Pelican putih adalah salah satu burung pemakan ikan paling berhasil.)
The success is largely due to its command hunting behaviour. A
group, perhaps two dozen birds, will gather in a curved arc some distance
offshore. The birds then begin to move forward towards the shore, beating the
water furiously with their wings, driving the fish before them.
(Keberhasilan ini terutama disebabkan oleh perintah perilaku berburu mereka. Sebuah kelompok,mungkin terdiri dari dua lusin burung, akan berkumpul membentuk busur melengkung beberapajarak dari lepas pantai. Burung-burung tersebut kemudian mulai bergerak maju menuju pantai,mengalahkan air laut yang ganas dengan sayap mereka, mengarahkan ikan di depan mereka.)
(Keberhasilan ini terutama disebabkan oleh perintah perilaku berburu mereka. Sebuah kelompok,mungkin terdiri dari dua lusin burung, akan berkumpul membentuk busur melengkung beberapajarak dari lepas pantai. Burung-burung tersebut kemudian mulai bergerak maju menuju pantai,mengalahkan air laut yang ganas dengan sayap mereka, mengarahkan ikan di depan mereka.)
When the water is shallow enough for the birds to reach the
fish, the formation breaks up as each bird dips its bill into the water to
scoop up its meal. As the bird lifts its head, the water drains from its bill
leaving the fish which are then swallowed. Pelicans are among the oldest group
of birds, Fossils of this genus have been found dating back 40 million years.
(Ketika air cukup dangkal untuk burung untuk mencapai ikan, formasi memecah karena setiapburung menurunkan paruhnya ke dalam air untuk meraup makanannya. Keika burung tersebut mengangkat kepalanya, air mengalir dari paruhnya yang hanya meninggalkan ikan yang kemudian ditelannya. Pelikan adalah salah satu kelompok burung tertua, fosil dari genus ini telah ditemukan sejak 40 juta tahun yang lalu.)
(Ketika air cukup dangkal untuk burung untuk mencapai ikan, formasi memecah karena setiapburung menurunkan paruhnya ke dalam air untuk meraup makanannya. Keika burung tersebut mengangkat kepalanya, air mengalir dari paruhnya yang hanya meninggalkan ikan yang kemudian ditelannya. Pelikan adalah salah satu kelompok burung tertua, fosil dari genus ini telah ditemukan sejak 40 juta tahun yang lalu.)
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